Advanced Techniques Early Winter '25

Advanced Techniques is the workshop that bridges the gap between playing what you know and understanding why it works.We are raising our workshop expectations, and that is even better for you! Instructor Approval


They will also be downloadable for current students. Make sure your login works and you know how to get around the site.REMINDER – class dates  =======NO CLASS 1/18 ===All Early Winter Workshops Start Jan. 4 2025
1/4, 1/11, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8 and 2/22

==Advanced Techniques Assignment ===JAM SESSION Feb 8 2025 

Break out of 5 at a time, In front of stage. Plug in to what is available on stage. Starting, communication between players, endings. 

Warm up – Random Keys

Choose a song

New Kid, My Old School, Wooden Ships




New Kid in Town

My Old School (continuing) – Love to work some with volunteers on harmony also. LISTEN A  LOT first. Also, I know it’s hard but get used to reading the lead sheets. Great for pointing out changes to the form, also when you want to just glance at a chart when you are dancing around, it is a lot easier finding where you are if it is shrunk down to sometimes just one page.

Wooden Ships -Continue) –  Crosby Stills Nash 

Materials we will be using this term

 You should look at this:

FYI – Chord Inversions, Chord Symbols, and the other “6” chord  Interesting Reading at 3 a.m.

 Chicken Shack

Back at the Chicken Shack – YouTube Jimmy Smith

Chicken Shack – Guitar PDF

Chicken Shack piano

Chicken Shack Tpt. Tenor Sax


My Old School – Steely Dan

Some quick chord changes coupled with accents to alternate chords and several places for leads

Harmonies on chorus and 2nd & third verses

My Old School P1of2 LEAD SHEET (newer vers.)

My Old School P2of2 LEAD SHEET

My Old School Lyrics:chords  I correected the page numbers


New Kid In Town – Eagles

Some interesting chord changes and a key change after the bridge, reverting back to original key

New Kid In Town (newer version) Lyrics:Chords

New Kid In Town-Lead sheet

Wooden Ships – Crosby Stills Nash

Wooden Ships – Youtube

Suggestion. Sit with the chart, listen several times to get the real feel before you start playing. Listening is so under rated.

Wooden Ships Chord Chart

Also, think of your chord inversions or shapes for the nice sound we want.  For ex. the 3/4 time where E7sus/A is quickly moving to just an A for one beat. You can cram the notes together with AB and  DE or  leave the A for the bass, then put E (bottom) B (middle) D (top).  This is a great song about note placement. 

You count it a half time feel or 154bpm. The 154 helps with synching the 3/4 time with the 5/4

Nashville numbering system, one page reference. 

Nashville Simplified pg. 1 Generically, Is a 3 chord minor or major? Stuff like that.

Nashville Numbering, page 2,  creating the 7th. 

Nashville Simplified pg.2 OK, if you are still with me then also review how we create  7th chords. 
