Backing Tracks I have created, Including generic tracks as well as a tunes section. I’m sure there are better ones out there but at least these are easy to download. Also some tracks on the web are too busy for players or especially vocalists to fit in.
Generic Progressions, 12 bar, 8 bar, 16 bar etc. With different styles –
Jazz – There definitely is a cross over between Blues and Jazz progressions. The two biggest factors are Form and Chord Voicing. Right off the bat, the #1 EASY Jazz Blues adds a ii7 V7 I which is noe becoming standard in a lot of generic blues progressions. Try to analyze each progression as you go through them, taking your time and understand the reasonings of their use.
These clips have an opportunity to listen then play short Motifs . After everyone there is usually a similar amount of time, say the next measure, to try and play what you hear. A great ear training exercise. This will also help in trading 4’s or 2’s with another player.
The first set of these, is designed to start with the flatted 7th, go to the root , then the flatted 3rd.